

グアム国土安全保障庁は大型で非常に強い台風Yutuの接近に伴い、警戒レベルを最高のCoR1 (Condition of Readiness 1)に引き上げました。この警戒レベルが発令されている間は屋外に出ないことが推奨されます。





Weather ChannelのHPより



以下Condition of Readinessのレベル(Pacific News CenterのHPより抜粋)

Condition 1 (within 12 hours)
Damaging winds are expected within 12 hours or are occurring. No outdoor activities allowed, except for extreme emergencies.
Condition 2 (within 24 hours)
Damaging winds impacting the island are possible within 24 hours. COR 2 includes government-wide preparedness checklists are initiated usually prior to the setting of COR 2 in order to complete all COR 2 checklists before COR 1 is set. COR 1 checklists, especially outdoor requirements, are competed simultaneously with COR 2 requirements.
Condition 3 (within 48 hours)
Damaging winds impacting the island are possible within 48 hours. COR 3 government-wide preparedness checklists are initiated usually prior to the setting of COR 3 in order to complete all COR 3 checklists before COR 2 is set.
Condition 4 (normal, 72 hours)
Damaging winds (39 mph sustained winds or higher) impacting the island are possible within 72 hours. Due to the risk of tropical cyclones developing and impacting the island with destructive winds within 72 hours any part of the year, the normal Condition of Guam is COR 4.